
Werewolf in the Dark

Created by Tuesday Knight Games

Werewolf meets Hide-and-Go-Seek in this brand new social deduction game from the creators of Two Rooms and a Boom and Dead Last.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

17 days ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 12:50:08 PM

First of all, thank you all so much for all your support.

We fully funded and met all of our original stretch goals! It is incredibly validating as to see so many people enthusiastically support a game of Werewolf while also playing Hide-and-go-Seek. With all sincerity, thank you so much.

When do I add funds! How do I do add-ons?

For one, do NOT click “late pledge,” on our page. That’s for people who missed the campaign and want to get in on pre-orders. Instead, just wait. We’ll send out a BackerKit survey in time and that will take you to the add-on store where you can add money, upgrade your pledge, etc. We don’t have a timeline for when this is coming out yet, but we’re working on it.

An important note: We will not be charging shipping until we are ready to ship. This means if you pledge for add-ons, you’ll be charged for the add-ons now, and then you’ll be charged later for shipping.

Another note: With the add-ons, you will see the option to purchase additional candles. Each box of Werewolf in the Dark comes with their own 12 candles. But maybe you think 12 isn't enough and want more candles? If that's the case, please feel free to buy additional candles. They come in packs of 12.

When do I get this game in my hands?

Almost all the files are ready to send to the manufacturers. We expect the final graphic design and layout for the rulebook to be done by the end of today. Here's a gander at one of the beautiful spreads:

Then it's onto completing the Character Guide. Lastly, it's the art on the boxes, and then we should be able to send those files onward! Currently, our projected delivery dates are in November (maybe even sooner). We don't anticipate many obstacles of delay because we've already put in so much leg work to get you Werewolf in the Dark. Stay tuned!

What about the host helping companion app?

Unfortunately, we did not reach our last stretch goal of $166,000. We knew it was a lofty goal. However, that does not mean the phone app is impossible. All it means is we need to make sure more and more people pre-order the game and even buy it after it's release. If the sale numbers make sense to justify the app, then heck yes! We will bring the app to you.

In the meantime, I will do my best to work on content we can share through our YouTube channel and our website to assist you in enjoying your games of Werewolf in the Dark as much as possible. If you have any specific requests, please let us know.

What about future updates?

There will be at least one update every month leading up to getting you your goods. This will even be true if there isn't anything really new to report. Remember, you can always continue to ask questions here in the campaign and we will do our best to address your comments and questions. If we hit any obstacles, I will of course report them to you. I really look forward to keeping you up-to-date on this process.

Until then, thank you all for such an amazing campaign. Thank you for the comments and kind words. Thank you for the support and sharing this campaign with your friends. But most important, thank you for playing. 

19 days ago – Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 09:02:51 AM

Werewolf in the Dark is in it's last hours of the campaign as it ends on Tuesday night! We've reached many stretch goals and have made this game I'm confident all backers will love this game (at least those who aren't too scared of sneaking around in the dark). Each version of Werewolf in the Dark now comes with:

  • Full color RULEBOOK
    • Here are some preview shots of these beautiful pages (may not be final):

  • Full color CHARACTER GUIDE
    • Contains descriptions for all Character cards and gives some advice on how to use them.
    • Contains a list of all the Ghost Tokens.
    • Different based upon which box of 28 characters you got (Wolf Pack or Monster Box).
    • This is the difference between the Wolf Pack and the Monster Box.

  • GHOST TOKENS (x15)
    • These tokens are also different based upon which box you receive
    • Here are samples of a few ghost tokens:

  • LED CANDLES (x12)
    • These gorgeous melty looking candles are now in EVERY box of Werewolf in the Dark thanks to you backers!
    • To hold all of your characters cards (even if sleeved) and your ghost tokens.
    • Stores your components in the box above the 12 LED candles.

We are trucking towards our final stretch goal of $166,000 so you all can get a phone app to help host your games for you! Hate hosting games but love playing in them? We will design this app to do all the heavy lifting for you. Imagine, the power of hosting in your hands!

We still have several wood blocks available at the limited pledge level. Remember, the art for Werewolf in the Dark was created by hand-carving wood blocks to make prints. Bradley Blaire is the brilliant artist behind the project. If you creep his Instagram, you'll see him put in the work behind the art. For example, you can see him carve the Crow card HERE. I highly recommend you check it out.

Thank you all so much those who back and share this project. This Werewolf in the Dark campaign has already exceeded our expectations. The momentum is picking back up in these final hours of the project and we hope to unlock our final stretch goal. Thanks again!

Phone App Stretch Goal revealed (not reached).
22 days ago – Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 10:31:28 AM

The votes are in! 277 of you voted and 65% requested a Host Helper phone app for Werewolf in the Dark. We aren't traditionally in the app business, but took our first plunge with our Mothership Companion App for our Mothership sci-fi roleplaying game. Making an app definitely isn't free, so after talking with our app developers, we came up with a target for the Werewolf in the Dark Host Helper app stretch goal. The next stretch goal is...


If we can reach that amount by the end of the campaign, we are confident we can afford and justify getting you all a host helper phone app to assist you in running your Werewolf in the Dark games. The app would include the following features:

  • Running Night phases of the game
    • Keeping track of time (8 minutes)
    • Playing spooky thematic sounds
  • Running Day phases for you
    • Keeping track of time (1 minute)
    • Telling players when to vote.
  • Running the Know phase of the game
    • Telling players to close their eyes
    • Telling which specific players should open their eyes
  • Running the end of the game and announcing winners.

It may seem like a lofty stretch goal, but it is possible. If you have questions, please ask! We are excited to bring this game to you.

24 days ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 03:00:21 PM

It is with a warm glow and delight that I get to inform you of the unlocking of our candle stretch goal! I honestly wasn't sure if we would make the goal, but we did! Now EVERY box of Werewolf in the Dark, whether it be the Monster Box or the Wolf Pack, will come with 12 LED candles. These candles are used by ghosts (players previously eliminated). Just take a look at this:

So what about the future? Should we include another stretch goal? If so, what stretch goal would you like to see? Answer the attached survey and we will take every vote into consideration. Please understand that each stretch goal has an inherit cost to it. This means that an expensive stretch goal will be set at a higher amount needed to be reached. Let us hear your voice! Please vote and leave your comments and questions.

CANDLES! ... almost.
25 days ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 03:56:52 PM

Well, we are close to reaching our $99,000 stretch goal to include candles. There is just over a week left in the campaign and we need, at the time of writing this, about 4,000 more dollars to be able to throw those babies in there.

To help get you excited about getting candles included in the box, I made a short video to give you a look at our candle research and development. Please enjoy and share any questions, comments, or concerns!